Change starts from within
An effective way of bringing about positive change is to first make the change within yourself so that you better in inform the quality of your actions without.
It is normal to want change and focus attention externally. Added to that is the sense of impatience and necessity for change we all feel. From this lens, time spent looking within and working on ourselves can look like an avoidance strategy or spiritual bypassing (lets put our head in our energy field and leave it there until things change).
However, its the quality of our actions which is important. This depends on our intention and our choices which in turn depend on our energetic health, centre connection and alignment. If we are not fully connected consciously to our core self and purpose then what are we really achieving? If we are feeding the same energy into the same system then what will the quality of change look like? This can be a draining cycle.
When we work on clearing and aligning ourselves, when we connect with our Centre and invite the force of Divine Love within our lives, then we make our choices and therefore actions from a place of real power. Our intentions are carried on the wings of Divine Love, Will and Truth, our choices inform our actions which manifest our reality from that place. We create new futures on the strongest foundation there is and we build upon this in the cycles of life. In this way we work together in our endeavors to bring about true and lasting positive change.
This is empowered action aligned with your highest self and the force of Divine Love.
For more information please visit www.spiritofcentre/backtothecentre