The Electromagnetic Heart
Remembering the power of the Heart and starting to work with it consciously is one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves.
The heart has an electromagnetic field much stronger than that of the brain and this magnetic field can extend several feet outside of the body. Within this magnetic field is information (or coding) that is transmitted throughout the whole of your body AND transmitted outside of the body.
Positive emotions can change this information coding. This means that generating positive emotions changes the electromagnetic field within your body AND also outside of it. When we consider that this field permeates every fibre of our being (cells, atoms, DNA) we can see that strengthening the heart field also strengthens us.
The Heart can then transfer this electromagnetic energy to others. It transfers between people either when they touch or are within several feet from each other. There is 3.28ft in a meter, several in 2 metres.
The power of the Heart and the Power of Divine Love is not a weak spiritual ideal. It is a fundamental movement of force in motion in our evolution. It is fundamental to our wellbeing and our mental, emotional and spiritual health. It has the power to spread Love and wellbeing through humanity.
We ALL have a heart. Just imagine the potential in that. We can also increase the amount of Divine Love that flows through and out of our Heart. By doing this we recalibrate our system and also that of those we interact with.
This is the basis of the Heart Connection program. If you would like to connect more fully to your heart and positively affect humanity, in a practice based way then please register your interest by emailing me at