A Simple Exercise for Wellbeing
I’d like to share a very simple exercise anyone can do to aid wellbeing. This improves the quality of your energy by connecting with and increasing the beneficial effects that qualities of Love bring. This is a very easy and quick exercise that anyone can do and is especially good for children.
Close your eyes and become aware of yourself in the moment
Bring your attention to your chest area
Become aware of the pulse of your heart beat, feel it throughout your body
Remember an experience of a Love quality. For example when you felt joy, peace, acceptance, gratitude, happiness etc. Bring the conscious memory into a feeling memory of it
Allow that feeling to flow out with every pulse of your heart beat throughout your whole physical body Head to Toe. Then imagine it pulsing through your blood stream into your cells and DNA
Then allow the feeling to expand out into the space around your body. In all Direction, front, back, left, right, above your head and below your feet.
Then continue with your day.
You can spend as little or as much time as you like on this. It can be complete in minutes. Try it daily in the morning and whenever you get a chance and observe what differences it makes for you.
This can really help to reframe our energy and lead us into a more positive and heart based state. We are using our own experience of a state of balance into the foreground and allowing it to become more a part of our lives. We don’t have to wait to experience heart-based feelings such as joy again; we can access our memory of a lived experience of it and invite it in to become more present in our daily life.
It’s good to be mindful that, we are actually working consciously with energy. Within this we are using our intention to direct energy in a way that is supportive of us. We are connecting with elements of the very powerful energy of Divine Love which is a principle cosmic force. Using both our consciousness and matter (body) in this way aids balance and harmony within our whole system.