Heart Connection
Heart Connections, a pathway to true self
As we bring ourselves back into balance and connect more fully with our heart and positive emotions we find we start to change and shift. Stress and anxiety levels reduce, positive feelings increase and we make better decisions that are aligned to our authentic self and our Soul’s purpose.
Heart Connections is a series of workshops to help inform, enable and empower you with practical Meditations and techniques. Right now humanity is moving through a turbulent yet transformative time, this is helping us to restore us back to who we are and shed that which we are not.
We can find our centre by reconnecting with our heart and clearing patterns and influences which are no longer serving us; enabling us to unify with our Soul. Heart Connections aims to do just that by taking you through three distinct stages. The first stage is the reconnection with your heart, the second to help you clear all that is no longer serving you and the third is to restore and recalibrate.
This is a powerful program designed to help and support you through this transformative process. It will help you to build the skills needed to open your heart connection. The programme can also be accessed as individual units if you feel drawn to just one or more of the aspects.
Read more about the Power of the Heart and why working consciously with it is so important at this time.
Heart Connections Workshops
Heart Connection
2 week program : £40
Heart Clearing
3 week program : £60
Heart Unification
2 week program : £40
Connection, Clearing & Unification
Complete Program : £120
Program Overview
Each workshop will take you through practical processes that you can continue to do as you move forward on your journey.
We will work with sacred drumming, energy meditations and sacred geometry to help bring you back into your heart centre. This in turn facilitates self healing and the clearing of aspects no longer serving you through the force of Divine Love and your own creative pulse.
As we clear ourselves and align with the Force of Divine Love, we start to shift our own frequency, altering the quality of our being, our intentions and how we interact with and manifest our world.
Heart Connections : Weeks 1 and 2
In this two week period you will learn about your energetic cosmology, what it means to find your true centre and how to access and observe it. We look at the heart, the heart field and what Divine Love really is. Through practical and repeatable energy medicine meditation you will learn how to ground and centre yourself, how to connect with the source of Divine Love and to how to work with this love to increase your feelings of positivity by strengthening your own heart field.
This includes some group interaction.
Heart Clearing: Weeks 3, 4 and 5
During these three weeks we will cover a number of different types of clearing techniques. You will deepen your understanding of both masculine and feminine energies as we work with these forces along with the heart and Divine Love. We will look at your foundational energetic structure which preceded the chakra system and learn how to work with it. We will use Shamanic techniques to assist in clearing and you will learn about and experience the Toroidal flow. The work will include a spinal pathway cleanse and Haric realignment.
This includes some group interaction.
Reuniting with your Soul: Weeks 6 and 7
This will help bring you back to your point of balance by unifying the trilogy of your being of the Mind, the Heart and the Creator. We will do a balancing with the double Torus and balance and unify energies with crystal helpers.
This includes some group interaction.
Practicalities & Exchange
Sessions are held in sacred safe space and includes information, practical work, and time for sharing.
Each week you will receive a Zoom meeting link by email. There is no need to download anything, just clicking on the link will take you to the session. I ask you to be seated, rather than lying down where possible
I will email you general information on booking. All you need to do is join on time, be prepared with time and space for the duration, be seated rather than lying down and have a glass of water and warm socks or blanket in case you need.
Heart Connections: 2 weeks £40
Heart Clearing: 3 weeks £60
Heart Unifications: 1 week £20
Complete Program: 6 weeks £120